Ajay Kumar Nair

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Research Interests

My interests broadly lie in the field of low-dimensional geometry and topology.
  1. Hyperbolic Cone Surfaces, i.e., surfaces formed by pasting hyperbolic geodesic triangles and their holonomies.
  2. Mapping Class Group action on Relative Character Varieties of Punctured Surface Groups.
  3. Infinite type surfaces and their Mapping Class Groups.


  1. Geometry in Groups at ICTS Bangalore, Bengaluru, India. July - Aug 2024.
  2. Low Dimensional Topology at IISER Pune, Pune, India. Sept 2023
  3. 1,2,3: Curves, Surfaces and 3-Manifolds at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa, Israel. May 2023
  4. Ergodic theory and Dynamical Systems at ICTS Bangalore, Bengaluru, India. Dec 2022


  1. When is a homotopy equivalence of a surface homotopic to a homeomorphism?, In House Student-PostDoc Symposium, IISc Bangalore. Apr 2024.
  2. On three theorems of Surface homeomorphisms, Prime Time Seminars, IISc Bangalore. Jan 2023
  3. On three theorems of Surface homeomorphisms (Video), IISER Bhopal Geometry and Topology Seminars. Nov 2022
  4. Conformal bijections, Biholomorphisms and Hyperbolic Isometries, Prime Time Seminars, IISc Bangalore. Nov 2021